Scripture & Meditations for the Rosary

What is the Rosary? Why do people say it? Does such an ancient prayer form matter at all in the 21st century?

Prayer and meditation lead us to the actions and attitudes that will create the peace our world so desperately needs. Praying and meditating on the mysteries of the Rosary is the perfect combination of silence and faith which, according to Mother Teresa, produces a life of love, service, and peace. For as Mother Teresa said, “The fruit of silence is prayer. The fruit of prayer is faith. The fruit of faith is love. The fruit of love is service. The fruit of service is peace.”

This book is for anyone who is interested in, or perhaps unfamiliar with, the Rosary. It is for Catholics who do not remember—or never learned—how to say the Rosary, for new Catholics in RCIA programs, and for people from other faith traditions (or no tradition at all) who desire the spiritual gifts that meditation and prayer with the Rosary offers.

For each “mystery” in the lives of Jesus and Mary of Nazareth there are meditations and scriptural references to help you experience spirituality in all its earthy humanity and numinous divinity. After reading each scriptural reference, you may contemplate your spiritual life through your own meditations or use the meditations provided.

If you desire to create peace by experiencing the fruits of prayer, faith, love, and service then the Rosary (and this book) is for you.

Read a sample chapter that includes the introduction explaining how to pray the rosary.